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PDC condemns assassination of Habib Jalib

[15.Jul.2010 - 18:04]
Pashtun Democratic Council strongly condemns assassination of Habib Jalib Baloch
Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council Zar ali Khan musazai has strongly condemned the assassination of Habib Jalib Baloch Central Secretary General Balochistan National Party. The assassination of Jalib proved that Baloch have been alienated and were kept deprived of their rights over their resources and home. Those who raise the issue then his/her voice is silenced by the establishment of Pakistan. The establishment is not tired saying that Pakistan was made on the name of religion which was and still is wrong. The nations can not be formed on the name of the religion. In Pakistan such hollow and deceptive slogans are heard which I personally conceive will not help keep this country intact. When a state turns ruthless against its people then stability and peace could never be seen in real meaning. Bengalis had made this country but today they are no more part of this country and are having an independent state with their own name. Bengalis were treated ill. Their political and intellectual people were ruthlessly assassinated and Muslim women were disgraced by the so called champions of Islam. The rulers and establishment of this ill fated country did not learn lesson from the past and today Baloch and Pakhtun are also treated ill. Tyranny can not be endured for a long time and ultimately the Baloch people will be triumphant and the establishment will be loser. This country was made on the resolution of 1940, which is celebrated every year with fervor and enthusiasm but do not accept what the resolution tells them. When Baloch want either freedom or complete autonomy of Balochistan then what is wrong there as this has already been mentioned in resolution of 1940. What type of the state is it that on one side it is busy killing Pakhtun for the crimes it has committed itself and is doing till today and on other Baloch have been occupied and are being killed by the state agencies which is condemnable. Pakhtun Democratic Council condemns the killing of Habib Jalib once again and expresses its sympathy with the family of deceased, his party workers and all Baloch people and nation. Issued by Zar Ali Khan Musazai Chairman Pashtun Democratic Council (PDC) Peshawar-Pakhtunkhwa www.pashtundemocraticcouncil@gmail.com +92-91-3015963337- Musazai
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