(که سپوره وي که پوره وي نو په شریکه به وي (باچاخان)

ress Statement

[12.Sep.2015 - 20:02]

FACS Press Statement to Strictly Condemn the unlawful marches, killings and firing of Martyrs’ day in Kabul 

 Kabul: Sat, September 12, 2015

The Federation of Afghanistan’s Civil Society (FACS) strictly condemns the unlawful marches, killings and firings on Martyrs’ day the last Wednesday in Kabul.

FACS declares that the evil acts of shooting, killing & wounding people, firings & destruction of the national security in the Capital Kabul, committed by some of the criminals, never address the philosophy of of Islam, Jihad and the Islamic & Afghan Culture. FACS also states that such criminals neither represent the real Islam & Mujahidin nor the culture of any of the tribes residing in the country & the nation as a whole. FACS calls them the representatives of the Families & bands of crimes & evildoers.

The Federation has called upon NUG, especially Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Ahmad Zia Masoud, Masoud Foundation, Jamiat-e-Islami & other Parties of former Mujahidin to pull to justice all the criminals who committed crimes on the day, miss using the titles, slogans & flags of Jihad & Mujahidin along with the photos of Ahmad Shah Masoud on their vehicles, as they never represent the addresses.

The Federation states that the so called National Unity Government is fragile & failed in general & Gen. Norulhaq Ulomi in person as a failed minister for the Ministry of Interior Affairs, as his fragile team & strategies along with the NDS repeatedly fails to defend the lives of the nation and security across the country & even in the capital Kabul. The security authorities neither could totally save the nation from the attacks of Taliban & ISIS and nor of the street criminals who mostly hold the government weapons & vehicles. FACS asked for an immediate replacement of the minister & his team as an urgent remedy for securing the country & nation.

The shameful acts by the demonstrators strongly affected the image of the NUG & the political leaders in the country, and more damaged the mental security of the nation & the international civil staff in the country. 

After the case of Farkhunda, who was badly killed by a demo of street criminals at the city center of Kabul, the recent rallies once again affected the image of the country & the nation internationally.

The Federation has called for stoping such the rallies on the day & the celebration of Aashura in the country, due to which several innocent people lose their lives, several others are injured & the security is destroyed. 

 FACS as an umbrella association of the Afghan CSOs & civil activists, called upon the government if the NUG is not able to secure & defend for the lives & rights of the people across the country, the nation may stand for self-defense.


 Media, Culture & Relations Committee

Federation of Afghanistan’s Civil Societies (FACS)

+93 788 161 853facs.kabul@gmail.com

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